“Today was a special day…the retrieval day and sperm donation from hubby.

My fingers are crossed for a beautiful outcome…

Do let me know how our egg donor did…how many eggs were retrieved, how many fertilised and the grades for our embryos etc.

This would be my first informed IVF cycle, since I engaged with the fertility clinic in 2011.

I think a donor IVF cycle is better than a standard IVF cycle, in that there is someone responsible for taking care of your cycle, you are like their patient and kind hearted Gerida always makes her recipients forget the emotional side of their cycle with her humour and jokes! Keep it up girl. …we shall keep sending ladies like me to you!

I cannot stop thinking of how difficult it was for me to decide on going the egg donor route. Your positive energy has kept me going and I am taking it a lot easier that I expected. You don’t know how much you have counselled me with your kind words.

your positive energy 1