Articles of Grace

Five traits of an awesome Grace Donor

At Grace Donors, we have worked with thousands of different women over the years – of all races and from all backgrounds. Women with blonde hair. Short women. Women with freckles. Women who like trail running and Netflix. And while every woman at Grace Donors is...

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“With much gratitude to you and your team”

I am thrilled to share that I will be 14-weeks pregnant on Friday and all my test results are great, we are having a baby girl!  My OB thinks all looks great. The next step is the 20-week scan for all body parts etc. It has been quite a long two months, but oh my,...

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“Our experience with Grace Donors was amazing!”

Egg Donor Recipient Feedback: "Just wanted to let you guys know that our baby boy was born a few days ago. He is absolutely divine and we are so glad we didn't give up! He is the love of our life and just wanted to say a very big thank you to you and the team at Grace...

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“Your positive energy has kept me going”

"Today was a special day...the retrieval day and sperm donation from hubby. My fingers are crossed for a beautiful outcome... Do let me know how our egg donor many eggs were retrieved, how many fertilised and the grades for our embryos etc. This would be my...

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How on earth do recipients choose an egg donor?

As a potential Grace Donor, we know that you can’t wait to help fulfil someone’s dream of becoming a parent. You’ve finished your (very lengthy) application and your profile has been added to the database for the recipients to choose from. But, you wonder as you click...

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“You made this whole process so easy”.

Grace Donors guide, support and care for both our recipients and egg donors throughout their donation cycle.  Our recipient had this to say during her cycle: "Thank you so much. It has been an absolute pleasure dealing with your organisation. You made this whole...

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