About Us

The Grace Team

Here at Grace, we understand both the financial and emotional struggle that our intended parents are going through, and we feel very privileged that we are able to be a part of their journey.  Our egg donors are an instrumental part of this journey, for without them, there would be very little hope for our intended parents.  We understand that becoming an egg donor is one of the most important and personal decisions that you will make, and we salute each one of you for your selflessness, kindness, and commitment.  The Grace team will be here, every step of the way.

Melany: Founder and Director

Having been both an egg donor and an IVF patient I know both sides of the journey intimately. The egg donor experience was life changing in that I realised that something so small for me, could symbolize so much hope for another person.

As an IVF patient the roller-coaster ride was a lot more emotional & taxing on so many levels. Support and understanding from the people (personal and professional) that I surrounded myself with was key in getting through this time in my life. We want to be there for you.

egg donation
egg donation

Gabby: Recipient and Donor Coordinator

I love supporting and helping people, and that is why I look so forward to being a part of your journey, not only to help you find the perfect egg donor, but also to ensure that your egg donor is supported, from beginning to end. 

With just shy of 4 years’ experience managing recipient and donor matches in the UK, I am confident that the perfect match for you, is just around the corner.  We work in conjunction with the clinic, to ensure that you are kept up to date, and to ensure that things run as smoothly as possible.

Lee–Ann: Operations Manager

I am passionate about wanting to make a difference and feel incredibly blessed that through Grace Egg Donors, I am able to do that, every. single. day. We understand that for our Recipients this is a long and emotional road but we are here for you to help make it a little easier, providing hope and doing it with love and support. We salute and honour our kind, caring and selfless donors who without them, none of this could be possible. We will be here, in the good and bad times – your journey is our journey, we do this together.

egg donation
egg donation

Helen: Donor Coordinator and Support

I have 13 years experience in supporting our wonderful donors and believe this is my true passion. I am here to listen, to hold your hand and to support you throughout your donation process.

I will answer your questions and will always ensure that you are well informed so that you can make the right decision for you. I know how much your decision to become an egg donor means for our wonderful recipients.

Together we will navigate this wonderful journey to assist them to try and achieve their dream.

We are all in this together.